Animated Tooth Character GIF

Are you ready to add some dental charm to your next digital project? Get your hands on a playful and fun tooth character GIF collection, featuring 12 ready-to-use GIF images that will make your designs come to life!

These tooth GIF images are ready to add personality to your digital project be it a presentation, an online banner, and even a dental-themed ad design.

You will see GIF images of the tooth character waving hello, giving a thumbs up, appearing from the side, and more. Additionally, you’ll find animated GIF images of the tooth showing a target board, getting an idea (a light bulb), working at a laptop, and more universal concepts.

This dazzling tooth GIF collection is the perfect way to add some dental fun to your digital projects!

The 12 animated tooth character GIF images come in two convenient sizes: the original high-resolution size of about 1200px and an optimized size of 480px for each GIF image. Use them in any project that supports GIF file format!

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12 Animated GIFs